Tuesday, March 9, 2010

5 Things i love

For contexual class this week, we looked at the things that interested each one of us as individuals. Tessa showed her favourites with us and i really liked her art work 'Kundalini is a Girl', as she explained that she love to play around with colors and the idea of the spiritual being being female, giving it a feminist feel to the artwork. We were given tasks to read through 'Ten good reasons as well as Nicole Cherubini's 10 favourites. It is very interesting in seeing what inspires these artists, so in response, i made my own list.

Here is 5 things that inspires me for the art style im working in, or want to improve in.

1. Bioshock

Bioshock is a game by microsoft for both xbox consel and PC. The reason for my love for this game as well as the sequel - Bioshock 2, is because of the strong Art deco element used in the game. Both in the architecture design and the ingame art. I am a big fan of the early 1900 up to 1950 Art deco/ vintage styles and Bioshock series provides a great feast of art featured in the game. I love how the creator, 2K, have combined art in a video game successfully.

2. La belle dame sans merci (painting)

My favourite painting of all time, is this one by John William Waterhouse. Whom is famous for his beautiful paintings of greek/celtic mythology as well as literature such as poems and shakespeares.

This painting is illutrating the poem La belle dame sans merci, which is my favourite poem. The poem is about femme fatale (dangerous woman who lures great men to thier doom) As can be seen in the painting, a beautiful woman is sealing the fate of the helplessly in love knight. The painting is rich with meanings, as it is full symbols. Such as the color of the woman's dress, the pose of the knight. All in wich are symbols hinted within the poem.

3. Alphonse Mucha

As Art Nouveau being my favourite art style, Alphone Mucha is my favourite artist.

Infact he was one of the artist who contributed in the making of this art movement. Most of his paintings are used for advertisments of the time, as photography was not used back then. I love the use of lush flowers teamed with beautiful figures of this style. The sleek flowing line works are so wonderful, as this style was described as 'a crack of a whip'. So within this type of art, it is both elegant and chaos.

In addition, this illustration is on my mug. I was so happy to find a mug that have an artwork that was done by my favourite artist.

4. BattleStation midway Pin-up poster.

This is my absolute absolute favourite poster i have on my wall. It is a poster for a video game. I had it for almost 3 years now and it is still my favourite. It is WWII pin-up themed, again it is in the style of the 1950s which i am a big fan of. There are other poster versions for this game, with different female figures with different military roles, like airforce/ medic/ navy etc. But this is the one i brought. I dont think i will be replacing this poster anytime soon.

5. Imagine FX magazine.

Last but not least, this is my favourite read at the moment. This is a monthly magazine, so every month i buy an issue. They have helped me so much with my illustrating techniques, both traditional medias as well as digital medias. Imagine FX not only features tutorials and tips, they also show alot of design pages, which i found useful in expanding my ideas at times.

1 comment:

  1. This was an interesting read for me because I have very little idea of contemporary video games and what they involve and how they look - I had no idea it could be an art deco wonderland! I am curious, are these types of games made more for a female audience?

    What are the rules of the game? Do you shoot a lot of people as with other video games?

    I am a little confused here because you say that both Art Deco and Art Nouveau are your favourite style - and they are quite different. It's OK to like more than one thing! Just as long as you're aware of the differences!

    It's very interesting to me that you're interested in these retro styles, but that you come to them via new technologies - a new twist for me!

    I would have liked you to write a little bit about the Paton article as well, just as an intro, but this suffices...

