Monday, April 19, 2010

Gaze 2 - Postcolonialism

Today's discussed topic was again about 'the gaze' but in cultrual terms of who is being looked at and who is looking.

Tessa explained colonialism is a country extending it's nation's territory beyond it's geographic boarders into the lands that dwelled by another culture, making the lands their own and the indigenous populations are ruled over, removed or exterminated.
Post colonialism is the reaction towards colonialism.
Tessa talked about the idea in art that explores the racial statements of postcolonialism, presenting artists's point of view on self-spiritual/ cultural identity.

The work that stood out to me in the slides was slide No.9, Jame Luna's The Shame man, and the Wet dream Catcher. Before Tessa explained the idea behind the work, it pulled my interest through humor, however after knowing the artist's real intention, the work presents a very serious issue. This relates to the idea of 'Gaze', in my case, the gaze of a person outside of the artist's culture. While these two works spark humor to the viewers, at the same time it's talking about a culture statement. It presents the idea that now cultural objects that holds important meanings are so commonly being sold as a type of souvenir, while the buyers may have no understanding of the real spiritual value of the object, showing the imposing qualities of the society towards culture nowadays.

Infact this have raised a self awareness in me, and i have experience of buying cultural object just for the sake of ornament, and have absolutely no knowledge of it's actual cultural/spiritual value.

Luna uses humor in his art, as a way to communite his statement to the audience.

"My appeal for humor in my work comes from Indian culture where humor can be a form of knowledge, critical thought and perhaps used to just ease the pain. I think we Indians live in worlds filled with irony and I want to relate that in my works," - James Luna.

Another work that really pulled my interest is by Yinka Shonibare, Diary of a Victorian Dandy: 03.00 hours. It is a setting of a very victorian styled painting of rich white royalties. It also resembles alot like the Rococo period style way of dandy living.

However in this work, the masters are negro while the servants are caucasian. Tessa explained as a way of changing the history, and a way of wish fillfulment. This reminded me alot of the book i have studied a few years back - Noughts and crosses by Malorie Blackman

The book is a flip overed version of the black slavery history. In the story, the white people are being turned into slaves by the black.

We went to visit the Fresh Gallery, where the arts of Tongan Style is on show.
This show is very strongly cultrual themed, it showcases Tongan crafts of embroidery and church outfits. I was amazed at the detailed craftmanship. It was said that all the works are all done by women of the family. It's a way to identify family wealth, and it is used for almost every ceremony. The motif of flowers and birds are used in all the works, which shows the deep connection with the land and nature. Before this talk i have seen artworks from Pacific Islands, however i had no idea how important this means to their culture. This shows the important cultural art from Tonga. Which reinforces the topic we have discussed in class about the Gaze on art which gives indigenous statement.
Today's lecture was eyeopening for me. Especially with the idea based on how people see others outside of their own culture. While all cultures changes and intergrades within time, we however seem to get a fixed view of a culture based on what we know of it's history. Artists now from different cultures creates art that is influenced by this matter. It is interesting because everyone can relate to this topic in a way or another.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Lisa,

    This is an excellent post! I love the James Luna quote you found, and also the reference to the book Noughts and Crosses, which sounds very interesting! It's great that you are able to relate things you are seeing in class to other related works in other fields. Keep up the good work!

