Thursday, July 21, 2011

Contexual studies Yr2- What seperates Art from Design?

On the first day in contexual studies, Melissa started the class with the theme of Art/Design. For me, the line between art and design have always been fine, if not blured. I never quite knew what exactly is the difference between these two terms as both creates visual compositions that contributes to the aesthetics. Therefore i wish to look into what exactly seperates Art from design. I want to dedicate my first week's reasearches on the different functions of art and design.

Personally, i consider myself as more of an artist than a designer. I am comfortable with the drawing, painting and illustrating what is in my head rather than working on the computer to construct a design, as for design there are certain rules that a successful design have to follow, but art have more freedom. Although many of my assignments allows me to intergrate my art into my design briefs, i still find myself struggling the rules and steps when it comes to design softwares such as InDesign and Illustrator, as i love the handmade quality of the traditional medias.

In an online artical at AIGA excerpt: Art vs Design 2006, the author Craig Elimeliah explained the two as:
“If we look at the differences between art and design we will see a very clear line drawn between the two. An engineer, if given the exact coordinates to place different colored pixels in specific places, could render a beautiful website or ad simply by following instructions." On the other hand the author discribed art as more of a 'free will' subject, "An artist, on the other hand, could never be given any specific instructions in creating a new chaotic and unique masterpiece. … No art director is going to yell at an artist for producing something completely unique, because that is what makes an artist an artist and not a designer.” - Elimeliah

I agree completely with Elimeliah's point of view on Art and design, as design looks at function, practicality and presentation. For designers, they have to constantly think about weither if something is going to 'work' or not. Such as advertising or packaging of a product. As for artists however, there is more freedom, more space for expressive, emotional and gestral methods. And alot less consideration for needed. It has always been historically difficult to pin point 'what' is exactly art. Therefore, the word 'art' is very broad, and anything can be 'art'. From the people around my, i know designer students whom at times consider themselves as artists, but not many art students want to think themselves as designers. (i found it could also offend them)

An artist that i looked at this week is Kumi Yamashita and her shadow arts.

I love her shadow installation arts, the amount of time that would take her to plan and adjust the lighting and every block of wood to create the perfect image from the shadow is inspiring.
However Yamashita's works serves purely for the sake of art and amazing forms of shadows. It dosen't sell you an idea like design would, instead it inspires. At the same time It would not work if the lighting was not at the angle she set it up to be, or if a block of wood is missing from the composition. Therefore, these works are stationary and somewhat temporary, as it would not exist without light.

I also came across a piece of design by Emily Roth, that i also consider rather artistic.

The collage of the face is quite intresting as a design, which i would also catergorise as art.

In conlusion to this weeks findings. I think it is easy to find designs that functions nicely as both an advertisment as well as piece of art that can be appreciated. Such as posters and banners. But when it comes to art, it is rare to find an artist that would call themselves designers.

I wish to continue researching for designers whom also produces art, and hopefully an artist whom work into design as well. I want to look into how technology have influenced modern art and design. As the modern technology such as computers and programes such as photoshop and illustrator allow us to move into a more digitalized era of art and design. I can't help but to think sometimes the line between Art and design can be blured because the new equipments we have available.

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