Thursday, September 29, 2011

Entry 12: Art vs Design

From my last 2 entries, i have now gained better understanding of the difference between Art and design.
While some are called artists and some are called designers, the real difference between the two is actually based upon the purpose of the work as well as the attitude of the artist/designer's self.
However, it is hard to define a pure artist/designer, as many designers are influenced by artists and art movements, and create designs that are 'artistic'; Similarly many artists that become involved in design, by using their artistic skills to contribute to design projects.

I have finally come to understand design more clearly than when i first started my researches, as i unpick some of the references i looked at before. I learnt that due to the close link between the term 'Art' and the term 'design', there will always be exceptions when it comes to drawing a line between the two, as the they are constantly interacting and influencing each other.

Therefore for my final entry i want to find some more references for Artists who also recognize themselves as designers.

The first person i looked at was John Reynolds.

John Reynolds is a painter and the works above are my favourite artworks from him.
"...collaborates with architects to design a hotel in Auckland, and redesigns the iconic Swanndri. In that same year he also tattoos a friend..."

He is the perfect example of a creator that views himself as an artist and a designer. He make works that are of art as well as design, sometimes one work can qualify as both, such as the works on the right (shown above). Those works are the painted 'cloud' that Reynolds contributed for the architectual design for the hotel mentioned above, i think that it's not only an artwork because it also conpliments the surrounding interior design aesthetics, thus it could also classify as a piece of composition that Reynold designed.

John Reynolds also colaborated with Fashion designer Karen Walker in redesigning Swarnndri. Similar to David Downton from my previous entry, Reynold also use his ability to create artistic aesthetic and work into design.

Another local artist i studied for this entry was Dick Frizzel.

Dick Frizzel is famous for his kiwiana pop art, his use of bright colors and repition of images reminds me of Andy Warhol. Although Frizzel began his career studying at University of Canterbury School of Fine Arts, he got involved in design as he later worked in advertising.
Frizzell has contributed designs to Esther Diamond linen company and designed flags.
Frizzel also designed the cover and several illustrations for "The Great New Zealand Songbook" as well. Therefore his versitility meant that he's not only a painter, he's also a designer. In contrast to Mark Rothko, who was true to his purpose and identity as a fine artist, Frizzel as well as Reynolds do not stick to one fixed style or mind, as they constantly change and adapt to what they want to express in a work. Additionally they take on many different kinds of project, may it be art or design. It is inspiring to see the way they can flexibly use their skills to switch back and forth between being an artist and a designer.

I began my research for my 12 blog entries not knowing much about design. I am comfortable working to create illustrations for the pure enjoyment of aesthetics. Therefore i always found art easier than design. However because i come in contact with design with many of my current assignments and it is not something i am strong at, i was curious what is the difference between two and why i am good at one but not the other.
At the beginning i thought the difference between art and design is the different emotions they target. Art want to touch the hearts of the viewers and design want to trigger the desire to consume; art is about freedom and design have rules; art can be constructed for the pure purpose of decoration, it may even only temporaryly exist, and design have to be practicle and funtional.
But i quickly realised that as i continued on my research that the design i had in mind when i started my blogs was just conmercial design, and there are so many types of artworks and design works that i did not took into consideration, as sometimes a work can qualify as both.
As my research come to an end, i have learnt more about both art and design and now i know there will always be exceptions when it come to defining art and design, as the two are so closely linked it is hard to seperate. I thought be looking into the different purposes of works might establish a difference between the two, however John Reynolds has shown me that an work can be both art and design at the same time, as his design work for the hotel displays an artistic and designer aesthetic for the architecture form.
The only difference between art and design that i come to a conclusion with is how one defines him/herself, however this difference is only valid if one denys to be anything but an artist or designer.