Monday, September 19, 2011

Entry 9: Art vs Design

Last week's research have broadened the references i have been looking at for this week's entry and i come to realise just how many types of designs there are.
I began my first couple of posts by only looking at magazine page layouts and typography designs as those were my design assignments at the time. However, since last week i started a list of all the different types of designs there are, and one of the most popular forms of design as well as one of my favourite is: fashion design.

The above works are by David Downton, who is my favourite illustrator. Downton is an artist who is famous for his fashion illustrations, he often work for fashion designers to illustrate models and garments. Therefore fashion illustration is not only a way of displaying the design but also very artistic in the elements of aesthetics and media application. (in Downton's case he often use water color and inkwash.)

"Not only do fashion illustrations show a representation or design of a garment but also served as a form of art. Fashion illustration shows the presence of hand and is said to be a visual luxury." - Drake.

I think this is a great way of combining Art and design together. Because i rely heavily on illustrations and frustrated at the fact that i'm not particularly good at design, Downton's works have always inspired me to reinforce my designs through illustrations. By mirroring the design with the drawing style, it can help me strengthen my design aesthetic elements. In fact i have noticed an improvement in my mark for the design assignment last semester, when i based my design style on the illustrations i made that complimented eachother nicely.

Another form of art+design i looked at was the posters by DDB group NZ. DDB group is an advertising group that specailises in digital design.
I really like the Heinz pasta sauce posters from DDB group, as it displays a combination of advertising design and artistic collaging aesthetic of food and kitchen tools forming shapes to represent each flavor. (e.g. the tomato, cheese and mushroom shapes) I find the style very 'cute' and attractive from a female audience point of view. Personally i think they are designed to draw in the female consumers with this artistically assembled designs, because they are most likely to be the cooks in their house. I think it is a successful piece of design and advertising, and i really like these works as the visual aspect of the posters took a very artistic approach.

Since last week's entry i've realised that i have not looked at all the different types of designs at the beginning of my blog assignment. I have learnt from looking at so many more design professions that art and design are actually very hard to pull apart. Art and design flows into eachother, references eachother and inspires eachother. I want to extend my research into looking at some of the different purposes of Art and design to see if i can find some differentiations.

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